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  • Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3
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    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3

    Clip Description

    Fading fast angel learns that she is no match for the water re-breather as she goes out for a second and shakes herself back awake. She tries desperately to hold on but her will just isn’t as strong as the “bastard’s” is.

    Clip Duration:      7 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv75 MB

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    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 3
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    While The Kids Are Away Pt I - Angel had a dream. According to her, it was a wonderful dream. She explained to dem, that she was bound to the bed all day, and dem would come in and have his way with her however, and whenever he wanted.

dem took that as a perfect idea for a session, and interpreted it as his own chance to ******* angel. Angel never said what "have your way with me" meant, so dem decided that meant **********.

in the first part, dem binds and gags her to the bed and gags her, then gives her a nice orgasm. He then straps on the gasmask to angel, and has a little fun with her airflow.

video length: 13:25

    Chair Bagged And  Part 3 - Let’s put the bag on just a bit tighter, shall we? Yes we still give her a bti opf breathing room, but this time, she better be sure that she snaps the right number of times. Panic set in, angel moans a bit, and then off to the slumber party . . .

    Rebreather Fun Part 3 - With the rebreather bags removed, angel is feeling very light headed and weak. Dem takes full advantage of the situation. As angel starts to regain her senses, dem pushes over the edge, and, with a slight wardrobe malfunction, angels face turns a pretty purple before dem gets her untied.

    Angels Live  Marathon Part Viii - In part vii, angel gets the gas mask strapped on with the hose and rebreather bag. It doesn't take long for her to become light-headed, and dem is just soaking it up.

    Angel Vs The Water Breather Part 1 - Oh angel what did you get yourself into?  A slight wardrobe malfunction doesn’t stop the play as dem finishes up getting angel bound.  Then angel learns how hard it really is to breathe through water and a 6ft hose.  At the end of it angel realizes that smoking while wearing a gas mask is bad.

    Firefighter Mask Rebreathing Part 2 - A  breathing bag, hmmm, what fun are dem and angel going to have tonight? As the air runs out angel begins to struggle against her bindings.  Light headedness sets in and the breathing gets deeper but to angels demise for she is only breathing in her own air. A rush of fresh air sends angel over the dark abyss, only for her to be hooked up to the re-breather again.

    Rubbermaid  Part 4 - Add a few pillows to a dunking and what do you get?  A better angle on the dunk.  Being let up for just a quick breath angel tries hard to suck in as much as she can each time she comes up, but that doesn’t seem to help her in the end, as she slowly starting sucking in less and less air, bad things are bound to happen.

    Angel And The Posture Collar Pt 3 - Angel has a new posture collar... And dem feels it's time to play. So tied and gagged, we begin our journey, and move on to slightly more devilish play from there. This final round is a large plastic bag, and a great orgasm.

    Armbinder Tiptoe Part Iii - Angel is finally going as high on her toes as she can stand, and dem isn't ready to let her down any time soon. Watch as angel ********** at the very last moment in this clip and dem is there to catch her from falling to the ground.

    Angels Live  Marathon Part Ix - Part viii of the marathon brings us to a close of the gas mask rebreather. Angel is on her way to passing out when her chest begins to hurt, so dem ends the rebreather play. Asking if she is ready to stop, angel says no, and says that she wants to finish what she started. 

angel is a trooper, and the show must go on. 

angel was not medically hurt in this marathon, just merely exhausted. She was checked by a doctor and was cleared with a full bill of health. 

please do not attempt anything seen in this marathon or on the breathless angel studio.

    Self Water Bagging Full - Angel practices her water bagging. Attempt 1 was thwarted by a broken string, attempt two was better, but attempt three was used with a spandex mask. Nice.

    While The Kids Are Away Pt Ii - Angel had a dream. According to her, it was a wonderful dream. She explained to dem, that she was bound to the bed all day, and dem would come in and have his way with her however, and whenever he wanted.

dem took that as a perfect idea for a session, and interpreted it as his own chance to ******* angel. Angel never said what "have your way with me" meant, so dem decided that meant **********.

in this second part, dem switches from the air filter, to the bubbler bottle. Angel forgot how much she loves the bubbler, and hates it at the same time. Dem add a little to the fun, buy showing her how it's not just harder to breathe with the bubbler attached, but even harder when you plug the bubbler airhole.

video length: 13:40

    Weather Balloon Fear Part 3 - What angel likes to call her scariest session to date, she finds herself bound helplessly to a chair, and her head wrapped in an extremely pliable, thin sheet of latex. No acting here people, angel’s fear is the real deal, and so are the tears at the end!

    Angel Vs The Rebreathers Full - The full version of angel vs. The rebreathers. 5 videos merged into 1! 

angel starts out gagged and a latex mask is placed over her face, keeping the tape gag in place. A little ********** with some nose plugging heightens the game before he decides to take out the pigtails and slap on the vac hood. Figuring that isn't the  he really wantes her to go through, dem throws on the gasmask with a hose that connects to a water rebreather. It takes a while to get the kinks out with a new mask hooked up, but once dem gets it all figured out, angel really starts finding out how hoard it is to breathe. Finally, dem hooks up the 5l latex rebreather bag, and angel begins to drift off. A few tight closeups of angel lead to her eventual passing out in the mask. Dem steps back and enjoys his work, before letting the audience know that it's time to **** her up, and angel looks like she just **** up from a nice long nap.

save 15.00 by buying this clip versus all 5 individual clips!

    Computer Chair  Part 4 - Giving angel a nice, well-deserved break from all of the strangulations, demetrius decides some wonderful swim-cap re-breathing is in order. And it may not look like it, but angel is very thankful.

    Self Water Bag Ii - Angel wants to try to water bag herself to see just how much she thinks she can take.

    Suspended Rebreather Madness Part 2 - Angel as a sexy little schoolgirl you say? Suspended on her tiptoes you say? With a re-breather??!! Wow, some of us really can die and go to heaven, but thankfully not angel, as she shows us what a touch of sexy, a dash of sass, and a whole lot of black tape can be. . . Pure enjoyment

    Computer Chair  Part 1 - For those of you into the ************* part of angel’s deviant side, here you will find her bound tightly with nowhere to go, and a tourniquet strapped around her throat! As the strap gets tighter, angel’s face turns more purple, and she slowly sinks into unconsciousness.

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